general question from MD --> when is ur BIG DAY?
pandang MD. senyum. kunyah makanan. "later i'll think". sambung suap makanan dalam mulut.
"But Don't forget about the Big Day". senyum. " Yes, i won't" . He laughing and i keep smiling.
OMG. mcm xda soalan lain nak tanya, haish.. sib bek x tersedak tengah makan. haha. well, i keep it as a sweet question from MD. nnty i kawen i mao pao u abes2 ea mr MD..hahahaha..
back to company. stay alone in my office continue finishing my work.
"When is ur Big Day" .. mr Prod Manager comes with question, smile and big laugh. hadoi. ingat x da org dgr soalan MD td.. and i ask him back " When is ur Big Day?"... Both smile and had a big laugh. enjoy. haha.
sshh.. itu rahsia Allah. (^_^)